Tuesday, January 17, 2006

10 Reasons Not To Do Homework

This top-10 lists are real excuses from my 4 year old. How come I never thought of these when I was younger? Oh yeah, I didn't have homework at that age. Hahahah. Anyway parents, read up and get prepared. (From http://mamasbagoftricks.blogspot.com)

Number 1
Me: Why have you stopped writing?
Girl: I lost my pencil. I don't know where it is?
(No joke, she really did lose it. Even I couldn't find it. Of course a parent must always be prepared with many spare pencils)

Number 2
Me: Can you start your homework now?
Girl: (Takes out her book, sits down. Writes one letter then gets up). Mom, I'm hungry. Let me eat something first ok?

Number 3
Me: Hey, where are you going? You haven't finished your work yet.
Girl: Thirsty lah.

Number 4
Me: What are you doing? Why stop again?
Girl: I'm stretching my hands.

Number 5
Girl: (With her head on the table) Mom, can I do later, I'm tired. I want to sleep.

Number 6
Girl is doing her homework. Suddenly she just falls out from her stool and starts crying.
Me: What happened? How come you can fall down?
Girl: Boo hoo. The chair push me down.
Me: Huh? The chair push you down?
(I suspect she was playing with the stool, rocking it on two legs and then fell backwards. Really hilarious. You just had to be there. Of course as her mother I tried not to laugh. HAHAHAHA. She has a tendency to blame the inanimate objects for her accidents. E.g. Mom the wall hit my head.)

Number 7
Girl: (Stops doing homework. Scissors in hand, cutting at her pants).
Me: What are you doing now?
Girl: My pants is scratchy (pointing to the label)

Number 8
Girl: (Fiddling around with the pencil sharpener for the 10th time)
Me: I wonder your homework finish first or your pencil finish first.

Number 9
Get ready for the in between news updates and broadcasts.
Girl: (Writes one letter) Mommy, you know ah, in school etc....
Me: Ok, can we continue with your work?
Girl: (Writes another letter) Mommy, you know ah, Damus etc....
Me: I see. Let's keep writing.
Girl: (Writes another letter). Mommy, afterwards don't forget etc....

Number 10
Me: Why are you not writing?
Girl: Because you are not counting for me!
(One way I motivate her to write is to count how many seconds it takes her to write one letter/word/character. We then see if the next one takes her less time, more time or the same).

Good luck parents!

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