Sunday, December 18, 2005

Only from Kids

Teacher: What happened in 1869?
Student: Gandhi ji was born.
Teacher: What happened in 1873?
Student: Gandhiji was four years old.

Teacher: Now children, if I saw a man beating a donkey and stopped him then what virtue would I be showing?
Student: Brotherly love?

Teacher: How old is your father?
Sunny: As old as I am.
Teacher: How is it possible?
Sunny: He became father only after I was born.

Teacher: There is a frog, a ship is sinking, and potatoes cost Rs 3/kg .Then, what is my age?
Student: 32 yrs.
Teacher: How do you know?
Student: Well, my sister is 16 yrs old and she is half mad.

Teacher: Where does God live?
Little boy: I think he lives in our bathroom.
Teacher: Why do you say that?
Little boy: Well, every morning my daddy bangs on the door and says, 'God, are you still in there?'

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