Tuesday, August 28, 2007

You know you're from a small town if...

~ You can name everyone you graduated with.

~ You ever went to parties at a pasture, barn, or in the middle of a dirt road.

~ You used to drag "main."

~ You said a cuss word and your parents knew within the hour.

~ You ever went cow-tipping or snipe hunting.

~ You were ever in the Homecoming parade.

~ The whole school went to the same party after graduation.

~ You don't give directions by street names or directions by references (turn by Nelson's house, go two blocks east Anderson's, and it's four houses left of the track field).

~ Your car stays filthy because of the dirt roads, and you will never own a dark vehicle for this reason.

~ You think kids that ride skateboards are weird.

~ The town next to you is considered "trashy" or "snooty," but is actually just like your town.

~ Getting paid minimum wage is considered a raise.

~ You refer to anyone with a house newer than 1980 as the "rich people."

~ Anyone you want can be found at either the Dairy Queen or the feed store.

~ You see at least one friend a week driving a tractor through town.

~ Football coaches suggest that you haul hay for the summer to get stronger.

~ Directions are given using "the" stop light as a reference.

~ The city council meets at the coffee shop.

~ Your letter jacket was worn after your 19th birthday.

~ Weekend excitement involves a trip to a Wal-Mart.

~ You decide to walk somewhere for exercise and 5 people pull over and ask if you need a ride.

~ Your teachers calls you by your older siblings' names.

~ Your teachers remember when they taught your parents.

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